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Private school essay

Private school essay

Karanxha, Z. The precious resources that private school essay provide in terms of hope and optimism require educators in today's world to do the best for the betterment of the entire society. Works Cited Clayton, private school essay, Victoria. Dronkers, J. Privacy Policy. Some believe that parents having the ability to move their children to the school of their choice will force all schools to improve to compete, while others think it will harm the economically disadvantaged schools with little benefit to the then overcrowded wealthy schools. On the day before school was to open that year, federal district court judge Solomon Oliver struck down the program,… References Text of U.

Remember Your Private High School Application Essay Audience

Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. The city is also home to two public charter schools, the Academy for Science and Design and the MicroSociety Academy Charter School, private school essay. The Academy for Science and Design is the first charter school in New Hampshire to concentrate on a science, math, and engineering curriculum. Skip to Main Content. Loading Close. Do Not Show Again Close. Sign In. Home Community Education Private Schools. High Schools Bishop Private school essay High School Academy for Science and Design Nashua Christian Academy K 2nd Nature Academy Pre-K Middle Schools Academy for Science and Private school essay Nashua Catholic Regional Junior High School 2nd Nature Academy Pre-K World Academy Pre-K-8 Nashua Christian Academy K Elementary Schools St.

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American Educational Research Journal, Vol. Crowe, T. Designing safer schools. School Safety. Jenkins, P. School delinquency and the school social bond. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. May, D. September Scared kids, unattached kids, or peer pressure: Why do students carry firearms to school? The case snowballed and grew until the nation viewed Zelmanv Simmons-Harris as the test case to try the legal boundary between church and state. It was also looked to for the purpose of redefining the meaning and scope of public education in America.

Following a high-profile legal battle, the program was upheld by the Ohio Supreme Court in , prompting opponents to take their case into federal court Vitteritti, On the day before school was to open that year, federal district court judge Solomon Oliver struck down the program,…. References Text of U. Supreme Court decision: Zelman, superintendent of Public Instruction of Ohio, et al. Simmons-Harris et al. Journal of Church and State Date: June 22, More results for: Zelman vs. Simmons-Harris No. Supreme Court's decision in Zelman end the voucher debate? Statistical Data Included Education Next Date: June 22, Author: Viteritti, Joseph P.

More results for: Zelman vs. Simmons-Harris Zelman: the court gets it right. school voucher case First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life Date: January 1, Author: Uhlmann, Michael M. Abstract This paper compares and contrasts the school funding approaches of the state of Illinois and the District of Columbia. It shows that in Illinois there is a far greater problem of how to achieve a more equitable distribution of funds, though the state is currently setting a course to try to make this happen with its evidence-based model funding formula recently passed this year.

In DC on the other hand, a foundation formula is used to disperse funds equitably throughout the District and private investment is obtained to help develop programs that can assist in closing the achievement gap. DC is thus better structured and its school funding approach better supported to achieve success over the long run. Keywords: school funding, dc, Illinois, education School Funding Investigation: Comparing and Contrasting Illinois and Washington, D. Introduction Funding for schools is a controversial topic for many mainly because of the lack…. School Lunch If it is true that you are what you eat, many people do not know themselves very well. Nutritional value of any food is of extreme importance due to the fact of its contribution to the maintenance and overall health of the individual.

No one could be expected to operate and learn at a high level if the sources of energy using to fuel this process are of low quality. High quality foods coupled with positive healthy attitudes towards eating and consuming are necessities in today's fast-paced society. The future of the world lies within the next generation and their education. The importance of treating children with respect and honesty cannot be overvalued in today's society. The precious resources that children provide in terms of hope and optimism require educators in today's world to do the best for the betterment of the entire society. Nutritional policies reflect social…. Bibliography Dahl, M. The national school lunch program and school breakfast program: evidence on participation and non-compliance.

pdf Eisler, P. et al. Fast food standards for meat top those for school lunches. USA Today 9 December htm Kaplan, K. Is national school lunch program to blame in part for the rise in childhood obesity? Los Angeles Times, 6 April British Columbia website 15 April School Choice Program This study aimed to determine the impact of school choice through a comparative study of two private schools, which serve primarily, or exclusively African-American students, and a public school. Data in student achievement in math and reading and data on student attendance were used to determine the impact of choosing a school.

Qualitative data derived from interviews with administrators and faculty as well as classroom observation were used to provide additional insight regarding the intellectual climate of the two private schools and the public school. The focus of this study was on mathematics and reading in middle school students in both public and private schools in Milwaukee, as well as the focus of reform in the state -- reading in Michigan, writing in Vermont and California. This approach enabled me to adequately address my research questions and prove or disprove my hypotheses. To begin, I conducted structured…. Bibliography Brown, Andrew Organizational Culture. London: Pitman Publishing. Dianda, Marcella. Corwin, Ronald. February What a Voucher Could Buy: A Survey of California's Private Schools.

Far West Lab for Educational Research and Development, San Francisco, California and Southwest Regional Lab Survey Results. Fuller, Bruce. Who Gains, Who Loses from School Choice: A Research Summary. ERIC Document Reproduction Services No. Greene, Jay. Peterson, Paul. Du, Jiangtao. Effectiveness of School Choice: The Milwaukee Experiment. Occasional Paper 97, Program in Education Policy and Governance Center for American Political Studies, Department of Government, Harvard University. Pursuant to the Court's holding in Grand Central Car Park Pty Ltd. v Tivoli Freeholders [] V 62 per McInerney J public nuisance , in order for fault to rise to the level needed for liability for nuisance, the defendant's fault must include the following components: 1. The defendant knew or ought to have known of the nuisance; 2.

The interference or damage to the neighbour's property from the nuisance was reasonably foreseeable; and, 3. The defendant did not take reasonable action or steps to end the nuisance at Such fault, though, must also rise to an actionable level and cannot typically involve minor, isolated infringements of property rights that are part and parcel of the human condition such as a dog barking once in awhile or a baseball that is accidentally tossed through a window by neighborhood youths. Congruent with the legal definition of private nuisance provided by…. References Black's Law Dictionary. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. Hyams, R. Kozlowski, J. Private Finance The private financing initiatives When the Private Finance Initiative was launched in , it was seen as a mechanism to achieve extra public-sector investment by bringing in private finance for capital projects as well as a means to improve the public procurement process that was routinely criticized for poor project management and construction cost overruns.

PFIs cut across a range of public services, including hospitals, prisons, public transport, roads, and schools. Each PFI depended on the public-sector purchaser to specify the outputs or outcomes it hoped to achieve, and put private-sector capital at risk for the delivery of those outputs or outcomes. By relaxing the emphasis on input specification, PFIs sought to mobilize innovation and optimize whole-life costs and quality to meet the public requirements. The financing mechanism served to reinforce the long-term nature of the relationship by linking payments to the achievement of outputs over the life…. References Chung, Demi. Retrieved September 26, Utilization of the data and collection of the data should be one of the main aims of the policy makers.

The data can be used by the policymakers in order to develop the policies and implement these in order to make sure that improvement can be ensured Basch, , p. One of the main roles that can be played by the policy makers includes reviewing the policies that have already been designed for the schools. How these previous policies have played roles in an improvement of academics of the children, their environments and their health are important parts of the review by the policymakers. It is important that funding is collected for the issues that affect health and academics of children.

The policymakers should make sure that the importance of school-based health clinics that can play roles in looking after the needs of the students. Great levels…. References Basch, C. Executive Summary: Healthier Students Are Better Learners. Journal of School Health 81, pp. Bruzzese, J. Effects of a School-based Intervention for Urban Adolescents with Asthma: A Controlled Trial. Care Med. April 15, , pp. Gall, G. Utility of Psychosocial Screening at a School-based Health Center. Journal of School Health 70, pages -- Geierstanger, P. School-Based Health Centers and Academic Performance: Research, Challenges, and Recommendations. Journal of School Health 74, pages -- othe values Moal chaacte, that is, having couage, being pesistent, dismissing distactions and so on in pusuit of the goal.

These ae attempts to define ethics by descibing actions, and faily specific constellations of actions at that. Fedeich Paulson, a 19th centuy philosophe of ethics, defined ethics as a science of moal duty Almost yeas late, Swenson also used the concept of study in defining ethics, saying that it included the systematic study of concepts such as ight and wong. Othe eseaches note that the idea of systematic study is common in dictionay definitions of ethics, with the Ameican Heitage Dictionay focusing on thee elements: " the study of moal philosophy, the ules of a pofession o moe boadly the chaacte of a community , and moal self-examination Soukhanov, Hill offes a 'definition' that is mainly pactical but also incopoates some theoetical content.

They believe that ethical…. references for confidentiality of records. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, Welfel, E. Psychologist as ethics educator: Successes, failures, and unanswered questions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues. Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues 2nd ed. School esponse to Student Suicide: Postvention The emotional impact on family and friends following an adolescent suicide - and the school's response to a suicide - has not been the subject of the same level of intense research as have: a the causes of suicides; and b programs to prevent suicides. However, there is now an emerging body of solid research on what protocol a school can put into place, to be more prepared in the unfortunate circumstance of a teen suicide.

And yet, in many ways, the sudden, inexplicable death of a student can cause serious psychological ramifications to fellow students on a part with the shockwaves following an attack by terrorists. And hence, this paper analyzes literature that…. References American Association of Suicidology html Bratter, Thomas Edward Surviving Suicide: Treatment Challenges for Gifted, Angry, Drug Dependent Adolescents. International Journal of Reality Therapy, XXII, Her point is to get support for her views, and she did, because three months after she wrote this piece there was a rally at the State Capitol in Austin where 5, people called for school choice in front of the Capitol building.

Therefore, her words helped people make up their minds and seek action from their legislators. However, she failed to convince the legislators, who did not even address school choice during the legislative session Editors. Either this means that the legislators are not listening to the will of the people, or that her rhetoric failed to gain their support. The media has certainly picked up this issue, and it is an issue all around the country, not just in Texas. The Milwaukee school district has had a voucher system like this for over sixteen years, and it has proven to be a money saving plan for taxpayers,…. References Editors. Storey, Jamie. This Conant warned was the seed of revolution and the only manner in which to change this reality, he warned was through educational opportunity, "the chances of a nonrevolutionary development of our nation in the….

The last century has seen an increase in the level of international purchases which has been supported by the developments in transportation and technology. Goods can move faster than before with developments in logistics. The negotiation and forming contracts for purchase with companies and communicate with potential suppliers in distant countries is also easier than in the past with the internet and tools such as video conferencing and emails. This facilitates the use of international suppliers. However, other firms may choose local suppliers believing strategy will best suit their needs. Local suppliers may be able to provide where there is an increase in the transparency of the supply chain, less exposure to risks such as interruption and exchange rate risks and proximity may allow closer collaborative relationships to develop.

Both procurement strategies are viable, to assess the advantages associated with each approach the procurement from international and local suppliers can…. Turkish Ministry of Economy. International Labour Review, vol. Borrus, M. International Production Networks in Asia: Rivalry or Riches. London: Routledge. Burton, S. Surviving Your Thesis. New York: Routledge. Burlington School Comm. Of Ed. Termed 'compensatory education' courts have exercised their jurisdiction in awarding costs to claimants and the courts have been relying on sec. The Burlington School Committee V Massachusetts Dept. Of Education heralded the change in the definition and eligibility for the compensatory education.

The salient awards pertain to the recognition of the power of courts to grant reimbursement to the applicants from private school education that was not included in the 'Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act' -- IDEA. Following this judgment, courts held that where the parent was able to afford the private school education, the reimbursement was shown to be the remedy. Further, for…. References Luker, Tricia; Calvin. pdf Rothstein, Laura F. I will give them two weeks to complete the surveys, after which I will collect them and analyze them. The sampling method include surveys as well as direct conversations. The employee surveys will gauge satisfaction with salary, job security, work environment, feedback, training, and other factors relating to job satisfaction.

The employer surveys will ask employers to rate Saudi employees in areas such as work ethic, ability, attitude, and skills, especially as compared to workers of other nationalities. The open-ended interviews should yield a deeper, more diverse set…. References: Books Maslow, Abraham. Towards a Psychology of Being, Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Maslow, Abraham. Motivation and Personality, 3rd ed. New York: Longman. Cziksentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper. There are specific daily steps that students in these working class schools must take, and in math, for example, the teacher "told them what the procedure was for each problem, rarely asking them to conceptualize or explain it themselves" Anyon And so the emphasis was on memorizing the steps, not on understanding how or why they are taken.

Language arts class was much the same copy the teacher's notes from the board. In the middle-class school, it was all about "getting the right answers. Things were different in the affluent professional school and fathers' careers included corporate lawyer, cardiologist, engineer; difficult assignments required specific projects like film-making and script-writing; children wrote essays…. Works Cited Clayton, Victoria. Private School - which is best for kids? Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, Mendez, Teresa. Catholic High School Choosing the education which will best serve our children is one of the most difficult decisions a parent can make.

There is a very real possibility that choosing the wrong institution will destroy or at the very least seriously hinder the future success of your child. Choosing a good school will allow your child to receive a better education, to develop better socially and avoid some of the serious pitfalls which are more often encountered in lesser schools, and will open the doors for future academic successes and subsequent career success as your children progress into adulthood. Private schools have proven statistically to provide a higher quality of education in addition to a pantheon of other benefits. A private Catholic school education provides students with academic, social, and religious benefits which no other school can promise. Academically, a private education is vastly superior to the education proffered….

Introduction For this particular case study review, we will be analysing the Freeman-Brown Private School FBPS Case. The paper will answer questions related to different aspects and decisions made through the school's operational time. FBPS System Usually when an organization has a direct and interactive relationship with its external environment, it is termed as an open system. This entails the organization being co-dependent on the surroundings which could include culture, market, corporate world, industries as well as the end consumers amongst other external structures. Hence feedback and open communication to and from the organization is imperative for its success, in an open system Griffin, n.

The opposite stands true for a closed system however, which is primarily an isolated structure that is not in any way dependent upon the skeleton of its external…. Trenton School The environment at School1, were I am employed revolves around the many different standards of behavior and conduct. While much of this conduct is derived by local customs and habits, the imposing of law and order also significantly contributes to what is and what is not allowed. The purpose of this essay is to explore the relationship with both state and federal laws and School 1. This essay will explore the law and its applications to my school by examining key points and relevant issues related to these interactions. Background Of Trenton School District It is important to understand the starting point of this discussion in order to see the bigger influences that state and local governments have on the school district.

According to the districts website, the mission of this school district is " All students will graduate with a vision for their futures, motivated to learn…. Evolution be Taught in Schools? Conservative Christians and others who are in denial vis-a-vis Charles Darwin's research and theory argue that at the very least their religious-based theories should be placed side-by-side in public school textbooks. Scientists, biologists, teachers, scholars and others who accept the empirical nature of scientific evolution have battled to keep creationism and intelligent design ID out of the science textbooks -- with some degree of success albeit in certain conservative communities and states politicians and school board members have overruled logic by those insisting that ID be part of science textbooks.

Some objective scholarship sees this debate as another example…. Works Cited Antolin, Michael F. Perspective: Evolution's Struggle for Existence in America's Public Schools. International Journal of Organic Evolution, 55 12 , Armenta, Tony, and Lane, Kenneth E. Tennessee to Texas: Tracing the Evolution Controversy in Public Education. The Clearing House, 86 3 , The article also appears to support the use of a free market and competitive capitalism which are both elements of the private school system reviewed. Both of these elements are important to all-girl schools, as they are run as businesses and must attract ample numbers of students to remain profitable. For example the article discusses the marketing techniques of the school in attracting pupils, who may be considered as clients.

The paradigm is considered to be the neo-capitalist approach as opposed to the liberalism paradigm, as the nature of schools means that there is some governmental control exerted over the business to ensure it meets legislation and standards. ritical Analysis The article is well written overall, for instance the structure is laid out to describe a personal story, but with external examples used to provide explanations. The provision of examples may have been improved, however. The use of one school…. Critical Analysis The article is well written overall, for instance the structure is laid out to describe a personal story, but with external examples used to provide explanations.

The use of one school in Toronto to provide figures illustrating the school's popularity was successful in illustrating that the one specific school had increased their intake between and the present. This popularity was then applied as a generalization to the entire all-girl schooling system in Canada. There were no overall figures presented to illustrate this conclusion however. The fact that one school had increased the number of enrolled children does not necessarily indicate that all-girl schools overall have experienced increased popularity. For example it may simply be that as the school was only opened recently the size has only expanded slowly to accommodate a large number of pupils.

It may be that if the school had been opened for many more years it would have already reached the current capacity at some stage in the past. The article also surmised the reasons for which parents decide upon sending their child to an all-girls school. While the author speaks to one family, the information would have been more useful if it had come directly from families. For example the perceptions of the school as to why parents select to send their children there do not necessarily reflect the views of the parents. It would also have been interesting if information were presented about how the school chose to market itself.

For example it may be that the school has selected one particular characteristic of the school to highlight in their marketing campaigns. The decision of the parents may then therefore be focused upon that one characteristic. This may help to explain the presence of an increase in popularity. The characteristics presented in the marketing campaign may reveal the characteristics with which parents are least pleased in the public school system. Adolescents' Emotional Adjustment Reaction Paper School Organization and Adolescents' Emotional Adjustment att's article explores the connection between school organization and adolescents' mental health.

There is a commonly held belief that adolescents receive a superior educational and interpersonal experience in private schools and small schools. att cites studies by Coleman and others that have given support to the perceived superiority of private schools. Coleman's findings in support of private schools did not however address mental health, but were instead limited to academic achievement. att's questions "Are private schools better not only for academic achievement but for mental health? Are small schools associated with broad indicators of emotional well-being?

att's study addresses these issues by examining three indicators of adolescents' emotional adjustment: depression, suicide attempts and violent dispositions. att's study analyzed data collected by the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent health, which surveyed health-related…. Works Cited Watt, T. Are small schools better for adolescents' emotional adjustment? Sociology of Education, 76 4 , Students in these kinds of schools do not attend school longer, but they do not have a summer break that is longer than any of the other breaks that they take during the school year. esearch done by McMillen indicated that there were schools in the state of North Carolina that operated on the year-round school calendar for third through eighth grades during the school year.

McMillen then conducted an analysis of the academic achievements of these students and compared them to the academic achievements of students in the same grades that attended schools where the traditional calendar was still used. In order to determine the academic achievements of the students, McMillen looked at achievement test scores and demographic information that was collected…. org Painesville City School District. Year Round Education. org Polite, V. Combating educational neglect in suburbia: African-American males and mathematics. Davis Eds. New York: Teachers College Press. Poplin, M. Voices from the inside: A report on schooling from inside the classroom. Claremont, CA: Claremont Graduate School, Institute for Education in Transformation.

Pothering, S. The decision-making processes of higher education undergraduate academic program development in a public liberal arts institution. Doctoral Dissertation, University of South Caroline, UMI Dissertation Services. Denying certain individuals access to education at all, in a society that privileges literacy, also creates a societal imbalance and social inequality, as manifested in the examples of Frederick Douglass in America Gutek, Consider in our own contemporary public schools, how even simple actions taken for granted like pledging allegiance to the flag affirms the value of citizenship, how demarcating winter break as a time of rest reinforces the importance of Judeo-Christian holidays, and the content of the textbooks used determines what the child will later consider 'American history' or 'Great Literature.

orks Cited Cahn, Steven M. Classic and contemporary readings in the philosophy of…. Works Cited Cahn, Steven M. Classic and contemporary readings in the philosophy of education. New York: McGraw-Hill Gutek, Gerald L. Historical and philosophical foundations of education: A biographical introduction. Moseley, chair of the Coalition advisory board and president and CEO of the Academy for Educational Development. There is no one magical, quick fix solution to Bermuda's dropout problem. The problem is complex and requires a complex array of solutions. It is the intent of this paper to study the scope of this hidden crisis, the poor dropout and graduation rates of Bermuda's Public High School System, by reviewing the most recent and accurate data on graduation and dropout rates, exploring the reasons that young people drop out of school, and presenting the most promising models for helping high school students graduate with their peers.

This chapter provides a review of the…. Winters, K. An Investigation of Education Options for Youth-at-Risk, Ages 9 to Demographics, Legislation, and Model Programs. Research Report No. Washington, DC: National Commission for Employment Policy DOL , May Wood, G. Risk management practices of leading UK cost consultants. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 10 4 , Wood, L. Internet: Privacy for High School Students An Analysis of Privacy Issues and High School Students in the United States Today In the Age of Information, the issue of invasion of privacy continues to dominate the headlines. More and more people, it seems, are becoming victims of identity theft, one of the major forms of privacy invasion, and personal information on just about everyone in the world is available at the click of a mouse.

In this environment, can anyone, especially high school students, reasonably expect to have any degree of privacy? High school students, after all, are not protected by many of the same constitutional guarantees as adults, but their needs for privacy may be as great, or greater, than their adult counterparts. To determine what measure of privacy, if any, high schools students can expect at home and school today, this paper provides an overview of the issue of…. References Alarming Number of Teens Addicted to the Internet. Korea Times, 3. Albanes, R. Marijuana, Juveniles, and the Police: What High-School Students Believe about Detection and Enforcement.

Canadian Journal of Criminology, 40 4 , Black's law dictionary. Minority Woman as School Principals and Leadership Challenges Faced by Minority Principals When compared with corporate America, both the public and private American school systems may have more blatant glass ceiling settings because there are very obvious resistance movements towards gender and minority integration into administrative roles such as principals especially for positions in better schools or systems. The numbers do not lie -- consider the fact that women have traditionally comprised the majority of both the public and private school teaching forces yet, the majority of school administrators for these systems continue to be white males.

This report therefore aims to discuss the roles of minority women as school principals, the inherent leadership and administrative challenges they may face as minority principals and what may or may not work for them and why. Although this report happened to use some examples from the California school system to demonstrate some…. References Feistritzer, C. Profile of teachers in the U. Washington, DC: National Center for Educational Information. Shakeshaft, C. Women in educational administration updated edition. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Sutherland, Billie. Owneship Undestanding the Ugent Need fo Change Reseach confims what teaches, students, paents and supeintendents have long known: the individual school is the key unit fo educational impovement, and within the school the pincipal has a stong influence upon the natue of the school, the conditions unde which students lean, and upon what and how much they lean.

Despite this ageement about the cental ole of the pincipal, thee is little eseach concening the chaacteistics of pincipals associated with effective leadeship and with pupil accomplishment, and even less insight…. Allen, K. Leadership in the twenty-first century. Rethinking Leadership Working Papers. Academy of Leadership Press. html Bennis, W. The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management. html Crowther, F. Developing Teacher Leaders. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press. Lifting Up Our Children Through Public Schools How to Lift Up Future Generations Renee Moore, a teacher in a very poor Mississippi Delta school, is quoted in Tim alker's article as saying if we truly agree that education is the way out of poverty, ".

then we need to stop making the schools that serve the poorer children the most impoverished schools" alker Moore has a valid point, made even more urgent by the fact that more than half of the students in American public schools ". come from low-income families" Rich Indeed the majority of students in "21 states are poor," Rich writes in The New York Times. Hence, this paper proposes working with the federal government, with states, and with private sector corporations to properly fund all public schools, in particular those that serve towns and cities steeped in abject…. Works Cited Jung, Helen.

Accessed 17 February, Rich, Motoko. Accessed 18 February students what they think about school uniforms, they're likely to dismiss them with a summary: They're ugly. If you ask school administrators and teachers what they think, you're likely to get only slightly more nuanced responses. Some school officials believe that uniforms are a godsend in terms of reducing discipline problems - including violence - and in instilling a sense of pride and mission in the student. Others - in the minority - believe that they stifle individuality. And if you ask parents what they think, they usually approve of uniforms because they are cheaper and prevent fights in the morning with children who want to wear plunging necklines or dragging cuffs. Is there a single truth about school uniforms that lies somewhere in the middle of all of these differing opinions?

Or is it simply a ashoman-like tale, with differing reports from all of those concerned? This research project…. This would help a victim open up to the teacher and thus seek help. School is an important period in a child's life and should be free of stress. It is the responsibility of school authorities to ensure child' safety. In the schools, where bullying incidents are non-existent have some active form of intervention in place. Bullying is a more serious problem in public schools compared to private school mainly due to the quality of education, teacher training and level of accountability. Higher level of accountability can result in fewer cases of bullying in public schools too. Concerted effort is required to reduce prevalence of bullying in schools across the country.

eferences Atlas,. Observations of bullying in the classroom. Journal of Educational esearch, 92 2 , Espelage, D. Examining the social context of bullying behaviors in early adolescence. Journal of…. References Atlas, R. Journal of Educational Research, 92 2 , Journal of Counseling and Development, 78, Hoover, J. Bullying: Perceptions of adolescent victims in the Midwestern USA. School Psychology International, 13, Horne, a. Bully Busters: A Psycho-educational Intervention for Reducing Bullying Behavior in Middle School Students. Journal of Counseling and Development. Volume: Issue: 3. Administrative Strategies for Effective Communication Education contains multiple responsibilities.

One starts the learning process in the world from within the family nurture, before continuing to pursue formal education in schools and academy. However, human does not stop learning from their family. Getting exposed to higher education, they also learn things from hands-on experiences and from what are happening in their surroundings. This reveals the fact that family and environment are two contributing factors, in addition to formal education process in official institution in a community. The three factors determine how education makes one person in the society a distinct, honorable man. With the great potentials, now education has been a regional issue.

Fully conventional learning processes have been attempted within the education system. However, with the growing needs to perform effective schooling and to gain the best academic result, educators realize the need to incorporate the three factors: school, parents,…. Bibliography Chalkboard Tips and Resources. The Family Resource Coalition's Report "Parents Leading the Way" Vol. ERIC Document. Communities Connecting Family and Schools. Strong Families, Strong Schools. html ERIC Document. ERIC Documents.

Family Involvement. high school, students are taught that in order to get into a good college, they have to work hard and get great grades. However, research that has been conducted recently shows that there is very little difference between schools like Harvard and the local public state colleges. Although the former is much more expensive than the latter, this research indicates that the education that students receive is actually not showing that the more expensive school is better. In fact, the research indicates that the education students get at Harvard or other ivy-league schools is worse than the education you get at the cheaper school.

One of the reasons for this is that there is such a thing in more expensive schools as grade inflation. That means that a student gets a grade for an assignment or test, but is not scored as harshly in expensive schools as they would get…. School-Wide Assessment Plan Schoolwide Devlopment Plan Assessing the Context or Input As a certified teacher in Special Education and capable to teach English to English Language Learners, I plan to create an assessment plan to measure abilities of students in high need areas in my school to read and write. Since I am equipped with a robust background and the essential skills to teach in these areas and to assess the needs of students who fall under this category, I will appear more subject specific and the overall improvement plan should be easier as I strive to develop and implement the correct assessment-instruction process.

My focus during the first part of the project will revolve around the creation of a range of assessments in order to gather background information about my learners and instructional contexts in which we teach them. This information will then help me design my instructional plan,…. References Bernhardt, V. Using data to improve student learning in school districts. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. Brooks, G. Teachers as Readers and Writers and as Teachers of Reading and Writing. The Journal of Educational Research, 3 , doi: Reading Fluency Assessment and Instruction: What, Why, and How? The Reading Teacher, 58 8 , Reading and Reading Instruction for Children from Low-Income and Non-English-Speaking Households. The Future of Children, 22 2 , Gun Safety Be Taught in Schools?

The purpose of this mixed method study by Cecelia Obeng was to ascertain the need for teaching gun safety to students in pre-K to grade 6. There are short answer questions, forms to fill out, teacher recommendations to collect, standardized tests to take, interviews that need to be scheduled, and an application essay that needs to be written. The essay, for some applicants, can be one of the most stressful parts of the application process. These eight private school application essay tips just might help you produce the best essay you've ever written, which could increase your chances of getting accepted at your dream school.

This seems obvious, but hear me out. Reading the directions carefully can help ensure that you accomplish the task at hand. While most directions will be straightforward, you never know if the school is going to ask you to address specific questions on the given topic. Some schools also require that you write more than one essay, and if you just assume you get to pick from the three options when you were actually supposed to write three short essays, well that is certainly a problem. Pay attention to word counts that might be given, too. Leading off from that last sentence of bullet one, pay attention to the requested word count, you need to be thoughtful in how you approach the assignment.

Word counts are there for a reason. One, to make sure that you give enough detail to actually say something meaningful. Don't cram in a bunch of unnecessary words just to make it longer. Consider this essay prompt: Who is someone you admire and why? If you simply say, "I admire my mom because she is great," what does that tell your reader? Nothing useful! Sure, you answered the question, but what thought went into the response? A minimum word count is going to make you actually put some more effort into the details. Make sure that as you write to reach the word count that you aren't just putting random words down that don't add to your essay. You need to actually put some effort into writing a good story - yes, you're telling a story in your essay. It should be interesting to read. Also, remember that writing to a specific word count doesn't mean that you should just stop when you hit the required words either.

Few schools will penalize you for going over or under a word count slightly but don't obliterate the word count. Schools provide these as guidelines to get you to put in some effort to your work, but also prevent you from going overboard. No admission officer wants to read your page memoir as part of your application, no matter how interesting it may be; honestly, they don't have the time. But, they do want a brief story that helps them get to know you as an applicant. Most private schools give you an option of essay writing prompts.

Don't choose the one that you think you should choose; instead, opt for the writing prompt that most interests you. If you're invested in the topic, passionate about it even, then that will show through in your writing sample. This is your chance to show who you are as a person, share a meaningful experience, memory, dream or hobby, which can set you apart from the other applicants , and that's important. Admission committee members are going to read hundreds, if not thousands, of essays from prospective students. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want to read the same type of essay over and over?

Or would you hope to find an essay from a student that's a little different and tells a great story? The more interested you are in the topic, the more interesting your final product will be for the admission committee to read. This should be obvious, but it must be stated that this essay should be written well, using proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Know the difference between your and you're; its and it's; and there, their, and they're. Don't use slang, acronyms, or text-speak. Don't settle on the first words you put down on paper or type on your screen. Read your admission essay carefully, review it, think about it.

Is it interesting? Does it flow well? Does it address the writing prompt and answer any questions that were asked? If you need to, make a checklist of things you need to accomplish with your essay and make sure when you review it that you're actually meeting each requirement. To ensure that your essay flows well, a great trick is to read it out loud, even to yourself. If you stumble while reading it out loud or struggle with what you're trying to get across, that's a sign that you need to revise.

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