It is characterised by positive Type 1 symptoms e. Through thorough diagnoses, schizophrenia essay, professionals have been able schizophrenia essay come up with four different possible causes. In addition to illness, suicide is another frequent cause of death among schizophrenics. The findings also help families adjust to the needs of their patient without causing any relapse. People with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary. But we cannot make this conclusion whenever anyone takes away their life.
General Overview
Since antiquity mankind has been faced with the challenge of dealing with several psychological disorders as well as diseases. Most of the diseases and disorders schizophrenia essay directly with the normal functioning of the body system. Many common disorders of adult life have been found to follow complex patterns of inheritance, schizophrenia essay. In order for a condition to be considered a psychiatric disorder, the mentioned manifestations must be experienced for over a fortnight. The research paper explores schizophrenia by providing a general overview, schizophrenia essay, a comprehensive discussion of clinical synopsis, genetics and environmental factors in relation to schizophrenia, limitations of the methods of analyses, and a clear demonstration of analytical and conceptual approach, schizophrenia essay.
It explains three genetic schizophrenia essay two environmental factors associated with schizophrenia as well as available options for managing the disorder. Epidemiologically, it is a chronic and causes severe mental illness, schizophrenia essay, harsh, and a brain-paralyzing disorder Frangou, Schizophrenia is usually characterized by illusions or the improper perception of what is otherwise real, schizophrenia essay. The individual suffering from schizophrenia has been found to constantly experience auditory delusions, thinking and talking in a haphazard way, and other different forms of hallucinations.
Schizophrenia usually confers important morbidity and disability about 1. Moreover, the patient exhibits cognitive discrepancies, antisocial tendencies, and flat affect. Most significant to note is schizophrenia essay this mental illness can only be diagnosed using the personal experiences and overt behavior of the patient. This is due to the fact that its laboratory test is yet to be discovered. Current research findings reveal that there is a strong evidence for a significant genetic link to schizophrenia Frangou, Some of the genes that have been associated with incidences of schizophrenia include Neuregulin 1 NRG 1schizophrenia essay, Disrupted in Schizophrenia DISC 1the DTNBP 1, the catechol-O-methyl transferase COMTCHRNA 7, and so on.
It has been established through recent research that these genes have an impact on the several processes that regulate the synaptogenesis and connectivity of the neurons. This process may play a role in the creation of subtle abnormalities in molecular aspects Williams et al. Consequently, it leads to inefficiency in the functioning of the brain system that causes the schizophrenic symptoms Frangou, Three of the major gene factors are discussed in the following paragraphs. Of all the known psychiatric diseases, schizophrenia remains to be one of the most devastating of them in some parts of the world. A lot of resources have been channeled towards conducting research into the nature of the disease.
However, recent studies have implicated a number of possible ways with neuregulin 1 NRG 1 gene also referred to as heuregulin Li et al. It has been established through a number of genome-wide scans that the NRG 1 is found at 8pp12 which is schizophrenia essay best replicated connectivity loci for schizophrenia. The NRG 1 gene is a pleiotropic growth factor and is crucial for the development and functioning of the nervous system Li et al. The gene plays a major role when it comes to modulating the migration of neural, schizophrenia essay, gliogenesesis, synaptogenesis, neuronglia communication, myelinatuin, schizophrenia essay well schizophrenia essay transmission through the neurons schizophrenia essay the brain and other body systems.
NRG 1 is a large and complex gene and spans about 1. Research findings released indicated that an association exists between NRG 1 and schizophrenia as a result of positional mapping of a connection peak on the chromosome 8pin Icelandic families Savonenko, A. et al. Follow up investigations by other researchers have found the same results even though they have used family-based association designs Li et al. However, others have found conflicting results particularly on the basis of race. In an attempt to reconcile the conflicting outcomes and to explain the genetic architecture that exists between NRG 1 and schizophrenia, the most recent meta-analysis uses the results for the most regularly analysed NRG 1 markers from both relevant associations based on population and or family.
Generally, it has been found from research that all schizophrenia essay the six individual polymorphisms and the haplotypes at risk in NRG 1indicated a very strong schizophrenia essay positive relationship with schizophrenia. However, gene heterogeneity is the principle characteristic of the investigation of complex disorders Li et al. Some of the causes of heterogeneity could be the variety in demographic and clinical diagnosis, schizophrenia essay. This study, however, schizophrenia essay, was limited first by the lack of confidence in the samples used so as to avoid replication as well as due to genetic heterogeneity of schizophrenia.
Secondly, the results may have differed due to ethnic and varying geographical location causing variance in observed allele and especially frequencies of haplotype Li et al. A third explanation of the variations may be due to difference in sampling. Furthermore, environmental conditions schizophrenia essay also affect results schizophrenia essay. From the above discussion, it is evident that research has proved that NRG 1 in one of the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and is a gene in the brain glutamine system Savonenko, Melnikova, Laird, Stewart et al. This kind of knowledge is important to different fields; it has scientific implications, clinic and for the public good, schizophrenia essay. At the dawn of the 21 st century, several new susceptibility genes for schizophrenia were determined.
The detection was by achieved by conducting association studies. For instance, dystrobrevin-binding protein 1 DTNBP1; chromosome location 6p In an attempt to replicate the studies, schizophrenia essay, single-nucleotide polymorphisms of these genes were evaluated in three independent schizophrenia population case-control samples. Some DTNBP1 and 3 GRM3 SPNs did not show significant associations to schizophrenia. The study concluded that variation in DTNBP1 gene may be a predisposing factor to a type of psychotic disease associated with increased negative symptoms Burdick, Lencs, Funke, Finn et al, schizophrenia essay. It supports the assertion that has existed before; that genetic factors do affect the clinical heterogeneity of schizophrenia as a psychotic disorder Narr, Szeszko, Lencz, schizophrenia essay, Woods et al.
It is found at chromosome 15q, which is a region initially linked with schizophrenia. Researchers in the field of genetic association as well as mRNA7 expression investigations have implicated CHRNA7 in schizophrenia. The study findings indicate that the ratios of alpha7 to alpha7-like mRNA levels in bipolar disorder as well as schizophrenia are much lower than that in controls. The bipolar subjects show the highest magnitude of alteration. This study can be of great importance. It is possible to measure the mRNA levels schizophrenia essay alpha 7-nicotinic receptor subunit CHRNA7 separately from that schizophrenia essay pseudo-gene CHRFAM7A, schizophrenia essay. This can be done by quantitatively using sequence-specific fluorescent primers in real-time PCR De Schizophrenia essay et al.
Also, CHRNA7 expression in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is not different between schizophrenia subjects, those with bipolar disorder or unaffected controls, schizophrenia essay. Moreover, the ratio of CHRNA7: CHRFAM7A mRNA levels do not differ in bipolar subjects particularly when compared to those subjects with schizophrenia or those unaffected controls. There are some limitations that are inherent in this particular case, schizophrenia essay. Medical treatment, schizophrenia essay, use of nicotine and schizophrenia essay events can significantly change the levels of mRNA in human postmortem tissue, schizophrenia essay. This can potentially confound disease effects. Secondly, the expression of the ready functional mRNA transcripts of CHRNA7 schizophrenia essay CHRFAM7A were not measured De Luca et al.
On the hand, sample sizes for such studies are normally quite small due to the fact that it is difficult to get postmortem human brain tissue, schizophrenia essay. It has been found that the released person will react differently depending to the degree to which relatives verbalised criticism, schizophrenia essay, hostility, or emotional over-engagement directed to the patient which is referred to as expressed emotion EE Kopelowicz et al. This incident will result in relapse of the patient followed by rehospitalisation within one year of being released. Consequently, the finding has led to the development of meaningful family intervention attempts to help psychiatric patients especially those with schizophrenia recover and join schizophrenia essay family upon being discharged from hospital.
Many researchers have ventured deeper with an aim of understanding the relationships among EE and the course of illness as well as its relation to relapse, schizophrenia essay. Interpersonal interaction between the patient and the rest of the family members or relatives is also of significance to researchers in this field. They have also conducted cross-cultural research of families and how they contribute to the advancement in understanding the role of families as far as schizophrenia is concerned. Culture has emerged to be very influential in shaping the how family members interact especially perception of illness and emotional reactions Kopelowicz et al.
This study is important since it helps understand the relationship between EE and relapse, family interaction and relapse, and EE and family interaction, schizophrenia essay. The findings also help families adjust to the needs of their patient without causing any relapse. However, the conclusions from the study may not be generalisable due to the small sample use. Also, the study interviewed only one relative yet family interaction comprises of many people and hence the need for longitudinal study so as to capture different parties involved in the interaction network. Substance abuse has been associated with schizophrenia especially the use of cannabis sativa, amphetamines as well as cocaine. Research findings reveal that more than half of those suffering from the disorder abuse drugs.
This is mainly because schizophrenia is characterised by depression, feeling lonely, schizophrenia essay, and general anxiety Frangou, Cannabis is highly addictive and poses a great risk of psychotic illnesses. Continued use of the drug increases the risk of developing schizophrenia essay. Many theories concerning schizophrenia have been put forward. Moreover, schizophrenia essay, neurobiology which involves the study of the nervous system and the social and mental processes has been identified as playing a major role in the development of schizophrenia.
It is important, however, to note that the root causes of schizophrenia have not yet been fully established but continuous research has brought some sense of hope as far as its treatment is concerned Frangou, According to Frangou, modern antipsychotic medication is basically the foundation of known pharmacological schizophrenia essay of schizophrenia Current antipsychotic medications seek to eliminate the symptoms associated with the schizophrenia and allow the patient to live a normal life in the society. Although the older types of anti-psychotics are in use today, most current ones which include clozapine are very effective in the treatment of acute schizophrenia essay. For individuals who are genetically prone to this particular disorder, schizophrenia essay, the use of some medicinal drugs or those that are meant to be used schizophrenia essay recreational purposes may also be the cause or serve to enhance the rate of suffering from schizophrenia.
For example, clozapine reduces the number of white blood cells in the body hence causing an increase in the risk of infections. The side effects of using antipsychotic medication include improper vision, rashes on the skin, increased heartbeat, and can also affect monthly periods among females. The paper has presented a comprehensive discussion of schizophrenia. It has explored the two major causes which are: Genetic factors and environment. The benefits of the studies as well as their weaknesses have also been highlighted, schizophrenia essay. Under genetic, three genes have been discussed and include the NRG1, DTNBP1, and CHRNA7.
Environmental factors, on the other hand include family interaction and substance abuse. The paper has discussed the strategies for managing schizophrenia especially in the modern schizophrenia essay where psychosocial treatment options are now becoming popular as traditional medications fail to bring relief to the patient, schizophrenia essay. Addington, J. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19 4 : Burdick, K. January Genetic variation in DTNBP1 influences general cognitive ability. Human Molecular Genetics, 15, 10 : De Luca, V. February Regulation of alpha7-nicotinic receptor subunit and alpha7-like gene expression in the prefrontal cortex of patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
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Substance abuse has been associated with schizophrenia especially the use of cannabis sativa, amphetamines as well as cocaine. Research findings reveal that more than half of those suffering from the disorder abuse drugs. This is mainly because schizophrenia is characterised by depression, feeling lonely, and general anxiety Frangou, Cannabis is highly addictive and poses a great risk of psychotic illnesses. Continued use of the drug increases the risk of developing schizophrenia. Many theories concerning schizophrenia have been put forward. Moreover, neurobiology which involves the study of the nervous system and the social and mental processes has been identified as playing a major role in the development of schizophrenia.
It is important, however, to note that the root causes of schizophrenia have not yet been fully established but continuous research has brought some sense of hope as far as its treatment is concerned Frangou, According to Frangou, modern antipsychotic medication is basically the foundation of known pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia Current antipsychotic medications seek to eliminate the symptoms associated with the schizophrenia and allow the patient to live a normal life in the society. Although the older types of anti-psychotics are in use today, most current ones which include clozapine are very effective in the treatment of acute symptoms. For individuals who are genetically prone to this particular disorder, the use of some medicinal drugs or those that are meant to be used for recreational purposes may also be the cause or serve to enhance the rate of suffering from schizophrenia.
For example, clozapine reduces the number of white blood cells in the body hence causing an increase in the risk of infections. The side effects of using antipsychotic medication include improper vision, rashes on the skin, increased heartbeat, and can also affect monthly periods among females. The paper has presented a comprehensive discussion of schizophrenia. It has explored the two major causes which are: Genetic factors and environment. The benefits of the studies as well as their weaknesses have also been highlighted. Under genetic, three genes have been discussed and include the NRG1, DTNBP1, and CHRNA7.
Environmental factors, on the other hand include family interaction and substance abuse. The paper has discussed the strategies for managing schizophrenia especially in the modern age where psychosocial treatment options are now becoming popular as traditional medications fail to bring relief to the patient. Addington, J. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19 4 : Burdick, K. January Genetic variation in DTNBP1 influences general cognitive ability. Human Molecular Genetics, 15, 10 : De Luca, V. February Regulation of alpha7-nicotinic receptor subunit and alpha7-like gene expression in the prefrontal cortex of patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, : Fanous, A. October Relationship Between a High-Risk Haplotype in the DTNBP1 Dysbindin Gene and Clinical Features of Schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, : Frangou, S. Medicine 36 8 [Peer Reviewed], Pp. Jonsson, E. May, DTNBP1, NRG1, DAOA, DAO AND GRM3 Polymorphisms and Schizophrenia: An Association Study. Neuropsychology, 59 : Kopelowicz, A. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, : Li, D. Human Molecular Genetics, 15 12 : Narr, K. Human Brain Mapping, 30 : Pae, C. European Arch Psychiatry Clinical Neuroscience, : Savina, T.
Savonenko, A. The National Academic of Sciences of the USA. Wahlbeck, K. Williams, H. British Medical Bulletin, 91 : Would you like to see sample papers featuring schizophrenics? Some essays on schizophrenia denote that schizophrenics hear voices commanding them what to do. This could be one of the reasons some patients commit suicide or isolate themselves. But we cannot make this conclusion whenever anyone takes away their life. Read more. Research of Schizophrenia Disorder words 4 Pages. Introduction On one wonderful family gathering, I tried to let my cousin, Charlie,- he was about twenty-one years old- know that he had a booger sticking out his nose.
The moment I told him, he stared at me as if he could not understand what Schizophrenia is the most puzzling clinical syndrome. It is a psychological disorder that corresponds to popular conceptions of madness. It often elicits fear, misunderstanding and condemnation instead of concern and sympathy. Social stigma is an important issue associated with schizophrenia. This disorder strikes the heart The history of the study of schizophrenia has a long history and is of incredible interest to doctors in all respects. This is the most common disease among patients entering psychiatric hospitals. The word schizophrenia itself means from the Greek — I divide the mind, This essay will explain the biopsychosocial influences on the health and well-being of a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia.
To maintain patient and staff confidentiality required by NMC, a pseudonym shall be used to refer to the patient as Norbert. The author will define the meaning Psychological Disorders Schizophrenia. Nash is in his mid-thirties. He is married and lives with his wife and their son. Nash has been combating mental illness since he was at Princeton in Graduate school. For the millions of…. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior. The term originated in the year of by a swiss psychiatrist named Paul Eugrn Bleuler. Psychology Today The term schizophrenia was intended to mean….
Of all mental disorders, schizophrenia is one of the most difficult ones to understand. From years and years of extensive research by scientists, psychologists, and doctors. The main cause of this disorder is still to be discovered. However, we do have a firm grasp on what we think the main causes are. Through thorough diagnoses, professionals have been able to come up with four different possible causes. Schizophrenia can be genetic, biological,or even caused by a virus in a person DNA. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Schizophrenia Essay.
Schizophrenia Essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Decent Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays. Schizophrenia And Its Effects On People With Schizophrenia Words 6 Pages. Schizophrenia And Its Effects On People With Schizophrenia. Read More. Treatment For Schizophrenia Words 7 Pages. Treatment For Schizophrenia. Good Essays. Schizophrenia Hallucinations Words 6 Pages. Schizophrenia Hallucinations. Paranoid Schizophrenia Words 3 Pages. Paranoid Schizophrenia.
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