The purpose of being happy is to live life freely without any hiccup. Performance Performance. This article is a part of the most in-depth guide on how to be happywhich answers these questions in the first section: What Is Happiness? The primary purpose of persuasive essay is to persuade or convince the reader that a certain claim or viewpoint is right. cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional 11 months The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for happy essay cookies in happy essay category "Functional". So, happy essay, the source of happiness and stability becomes the source of all your anxiety and aggression.
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Essay on Happiness! These essays will also guide you to learn about the sources, need and factors affecting happiness. Contents List of Essays on Happiness Essay on Happiness — Short Essay Essay 1 — Words Essay on Happiness — For Kids and Children Essay 2 — Words Essay on Happiness — 10 Lines on Happiness Written in English Essay 3 — Words Essay on Happiness Essay 4 — Words Essay on Happiness — Ways to be Happy Essay 5 — Words Essay on Happiness — For School Students Class 3, 4, 5, happy essay, 6 and 7 Standard Essay 6 — Words Essay on Happiness — Ways of Developing Happiness Essay 7 — Words Essay on Happiness — Sources of Suffering, Happiness and Conclusion Essay 8 — Words Essay on Happiness — Long Essay on Happiness Essay 9 — Words.
Happiness is defined by different people in different ways, happy essay. When happy essay feel positive emotions we tend to feel happy. That is what happiness is all about, happy essay. Happiness is also regarded as the mental state of a person in an optimistic manner, happy essay. In whatever manner you may define happiness; the truth is that it is vital for a healthy and prosperous life, happy essay. In order to make students understand what true happiness is all about, we have prepared short essays for students which shall enlighten happy essay further on this topic.
Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school happy essay Class 3, 4 ,5, 6 and 7 Standard. Happiness is a state of mind and the feeling expressed when things are going great. It is what we feel when we get our first car, happy essay, buy a new house or graduate with the best grades, happy essay. Happiness should be distinguished from joy. When joy is a constant state of mind, happiness depends on events in our lives. The opposite of happiness is sadness which is a state of negativity in the mindset. When we remain sad for an extended period of time it can lead to depression. To avoid this state of mind we must always remind ourselves of happenings in our lives that made us happy.
Though life throws countless challenges at us on a daily basis, if we drown in those challenges we would definitely become depressed, happy essay. It is important that we find positive things in our happy essay lives to get excited about and feel the happiness. Happiness is a state of mind which makes you feel happy essay in life and having everything in this world without a single reason to repent. The meaning of happiness is relative and varies from people to people. For some, happiness is when you experience professional success, reunions with family and friends, eating out, reading books or watching good movies. While for others, happy essay, happiness can be accomplished by some weekend activities which might help you de-stress and get the satisfaction of mind.
If you involve yourself in social activities where you help the needy and provide support to the weaker section happy essay the society, you can experience happiness if not anything else. When a young boy flies a kite, plays with mud, and watches the nature, for him, that is the greatest happiness in the world, happy essay. The happiness of mind is often considered quite contrary to jealousy and anger which you experience once you have failed or unaccomplished any desired goal, happy essay. You should always try to rehearse the ways of keeping yourself satisfied and keeping away from negativity to experience peace and happiness in life. True happiness begins where desire ends!
What is happy essay It is a state of being happy. But it does not mean to be happy all the time. Happiness is a feeling of something good that is happening in our life. We feel happy when we achieve something. But happiness is spread when our dear one is happy as well. Some people find true happiness in playing with their pets, while some may find happiness in staying engaged in creative work. Happiness is often derived from channelizing thoughts to positive thinking. However, it is not as simple as it may sound. To achieve the state of complete happiness one has to practice on improving the state of life by:. Stop blaming for something that went terribly wrong in life.
The life is all about moving on. Stop worrying and set new goals happy essay life. Everyone desires to be happy in life. Remind yourself of the good things of your life and be thankful about it. Some would state that happiness implies being well off. Happy essay would state that for them, happiness intends to be sound, happy essay. You will discover individuals saying that for them happiness implies having love in their life, having numerous companions, a great job, or accomplishing a specific objective. There are individuals, who happy essay that the want of a specific wish would make happy essay in their life; however, it may not be so.
Having true happiness is something which is desired by all, happy essay. There are small things which when incorporated into our daily lives, can lead us to the path of happiness. For instance, instead of thinking about problems, we should happy essay be thinking about the solutions. Not only will we be happier but we shall also be able to solve our problems faster. Similarly, once in a while, you start the day with the longing to achieve a few targets. Take a look at what you have done, happy essay, not at what you have not possessed the capacity to do.
This takes away happiness from you. Again, now and then, you go throughout the day effectively completing numerous plans, yet as opposed to feeling cheerful and fulfilled, you see what was not cultivated and feel troubled. It is out of line towards you. Each day accomplishes something good which you enjoy doing. It may tend to be something little, happy essay, such as purchasing a book, eating something you cherish, viewing your most loved program on TV, happy essay, heading out to a motion picture, or simply having a walk around the shoreline.
Even small things can bring great levels of happiness in our lives and motivate us for new goals. Happiness is not what you feel from outside, rather it is something which comes from your inner soul. We should find happiness in us rather than searching for it in worldly desires. Some find happiness in having a luxurious life while some find it in having loving people around them rather than money. True happiness lies within us and our expectation of happiness. It is something that should be felt and cannot be explained in words. Even though this simple word has a lot of meaning hidden in it, many fail to understand the real one or feel the real happiness.
Finding happiness in the outer world is the main reason for this failure. Nothing can buy you happiness, whether be the favorite thing you desire for or the person you love the most or the career you build, happy essay, unless and until you feel it within yourself. Bring happiness and soulful life to yourself rather than expecting it from the outside world like things, money, etc. Happy essay happy is not as easy as advised to be one happier person. To be content and happy with whatever you have and yourself it takes time and patience. You should practice to be a happier person in all moments and eventually you will notice that no sorrow can sink you down. Learn to live today with more happiness than yesterday and forget about your past sadness for a harmonious life, happy essay.
Thankfulness to the life you got is another important character you should acquire to be happy. If you compare yourself with someone with better luxurious life, then you will never be happy or content and do it the other way. Try to find every goodness in happy essay situation you face and accept the things that already happened, whether good or bad. Never happy essay to choose merrier and positive people to be closer to you so that their vibes will also help you in being one merrier person. Whenever you feel low and depressed never hesitate to go to those around you to find happiness. But be aware of those negative ones that may pull you even deeper into the bad thoughts. Always surround yourself with positive thinking and motivating people so that you can rise higher happy essay from the deepest fall.
Happiness is nothing but a feeling that will be seeded into your soul only if you wish to and nothing other than yourself can indulge this feeling in you. Happiness is a very complicated thing, happy essay. Happiness can be used both in emotional or mental state context and can vary largely from a feeling from contentment to very intense feeling of joy. It can also mean a life of satisfaction, happy essay, good well-being and so many more. Happiness is a very difficult phenomenon to use words to describe as it is something that can be felt only.
Happiness is very important if we want to lead a very good life. Sadly, happiness is absent from the lives of a lot of people nowadays. We all have our own very different concept of happiness. Some of us are of the opinion that we can get happiness through money, others believe they can only get true happiness in relationships, happy essay, some even feel that happiness can only be gotten when they are excelling in their profession. As we might probably know, happiness is nothing more than the state of one being content and happy.
A lot of people in the past, present and some even in the future will have tried to define and explain what they think happiness really is. So far, the most reasonable one is the one that sees happiness as something that can only come from within a person and should not be sought for outside in the world. A lot of us try to find happiness where it is not, happy essay. We associate and equate money with happiness. If at all there is happiness in money then all of the happy essay people we have around us would never feel sad. What we have come to see is that even the rich amongst us are the ones that suffer depression, relationship problems, stress, fear and even anxiousness.
A lot of celebrities and successful people have committed suicide, this goes a long way to show that money or fame does not guarantee happiness. This does not mean that it is a bad thing to be rich and go after money. When you have money, you can afford many happy essay that can make you and those around you very happy. This saying and its meaning is always hammered on in different places but we still refuse to fully understand it and put it into good use.
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Short-term happiness is relatively easy to explain. When looking at the list of happiness synonyms, I think the following concepts are clearly centered around short-term happiness:. You see, short-term happiness is based on the release of the chemical dopamine in our brain. This organic chemical is released whenever we are stimulated by things that please us. Some examples are sex, having a laugh with friends, finishing a race, watching a funny video online, or watching an exciting game of football. A more extreme example is drugs. These things result in short-term happiness because dopamine is released based on a single event. When this event is over, the pleasure is gone. Long-term happiness is a little bit harder to explain because it revolves around other concepts of happiness.
Instead of joy, pleasure, and ecstasy, the concepts that make up long-term happiness are:. I hope you can spot the difference here. Long-term happiness is based on concepts that are not created by a single event. I have created a situation in which I am happy by default, without having to rely on single events. Now that you are aware of these two different kinds of happiness, I want you to picture some scenarios. You might have guessed it, but this scenario is focused exclusively on short-term happiness. And the simple fact is that pursuing nothing but short-term happiness does not lead to a sustainable happy life. This is another extreme example of happiness.
You can probably see how this person is very likely unhappy. He is spending the best years of his life making sacrifices in anticipation of what he eventually wants to become. For a lot of people, this sounds like a logical decision. But to me, this sounds like a huge mistake. If you get in a fatal car crash tomorrow, would you have any regrets? I want you to think about this for a moment since a lot of people in industrialized countries have the urge to constantly be planning for the future. And while this is not a bad thing in principle, we often take it too far.
As a result, we are constantly sprinting from one deadline to the other. The thing is, these extreme examples are not something that you should want. You can only lead a truly happy life when you actively pursue both short-term and long-term happiness. Every single person on this planet has a different definition of happiness. You need to find out what happiness means to you, and how you want to pursue it. They say happiness is a journey and not a destination. I think happiness can — and should — be both. Some examples:. I want you to think of a couple of examples for yourself. Have you ever made a bad decision that resulted in a decreased level of happiness?
I just want you to know that you need to find a balance. The thing is, realizing the difference between short-term and long-term happiness makes it easier for us to pursue happiness in our lives. I believe that happiness can actively be pursued and that you can steer your life in the best direction possible by doing this. What did you think of? Taking a long warm bath? Drinking wine with your friends? Going to an amusement park? That would definitely have a positive influence on your happiness, right? Now think about doing that exact thing every day, for the rest of your life, until the day you die. Or the th time? The answer is probably no. Even though this example is extreme, the theory of diminishing returns applies here.
When repeated, the effect of the same event on your happiness will diminish to zero. Think of a big salary bump. Congratulations, you now have money to spend on all kinds of things that make you and your family happy! Will that happiness sustain into the future? Unfortunately not. Instead of appreciating the luxury of your raise, you will grow accustomed to this extra money and will slowly take it for granted. This adaptation is known as the hedonic treadmill , and it is generally conceived as the arch-enemy of happiness. Now that you know what this hedonic treadmill is, it might seem like a waste of time to continue reading this essay, right? You just need to be willing to actively look for it in the right places.
See, nobody on the internet will be able to define happiness for you. What makes you happy is a constantly changing equation that is unique in every way. Why would you believe some scientist when he or she claims that happiness is impossible to pursue? What does that scientist know about you? I want you to realize that you can learn more about your own happiness equation. You can find out what it is that makes you happy. Got it? Good, because the next step is to define what the difference is between short-term and long-term happiness. You have to find out how much you value your happiness on the journey itself and how much of that happiness you want to sacrifice by investing in a potentially happier future. Now, what if I told you that a perfect balance between long-term and short-term happiness can limit the effect that the hedonic treadmill has on you?
Yes, by consciously varying the pursuit of short-term and long-term happiness, you can vary the factors in your life in a way that leads to greater happiness. Think back at the last week, and remember what things or events had a positive influence on your happiness. In conclusion, happiness can most certainly be found — and not just momentary pleasure, but genuine, long-lasting happiness, which is not something that comes to a person randomly. In fact, most people have to work very hard for a very long time to finally find happiness, to create the best possible version of it. Moreover, it is something that any person can build on their own. It is not unattainable. Happiness can happen to anyone, mostly because everyone deserves to be happy. Did you like this essay? However, if you need your research proposal to be done by professional writers, researchers, and editors, place an order and get your essay written on time and at the highest quality level.
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