Policies that do not ban smoking completely but include areas specifically designated for smokers affect smoking rates far less than total bans. While the industry and related businesses feared economic losses, economic repercussions varied by cultural climate, type of business, and location. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. According to the Nightingale Environmental Theory, they could benefit from improved air quality. Related Posts. I believe the most important aspect second hand smoke essay the theory is that humans must not continue to pollute their environment.
Secondhand Smoke as a Social Problem
Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. It's time for you to nail your grades! The health risks of second-hand smoke have been well documented. Individuals who are exposed to the effect of second-hand smoke are at risk of a number of adverse health outcomes, including lung cancer and asthma. Nightingale strongly believed that a healthy environment and proper air quality and air flow was necessary to the health of the individual. Nightingale stressed that the quality of the environment was crucial to maintaining the health of the individual.
She believed that infections were related to the quality of the air and the water. She advocated for ventilation for patients to ensure that fresh air went through their rooms. This was in opposition to the thought at the time when second hand smoke essay rooms were closed off and became stagnant. Need A Unique Essay on "Second-Hand Smoke"? At this time, garbage was piled high in the cities, sewage was not handled properly, hospitals and sick rooms were not well ventilated and clean water was not available to everyone.
Nightingale proposed that these aspects be changed. There was a need for sanitation reform in the country and she helped to lead it Montiero,p. As the sanitation reform occurred, second hand smoke essay, not only did the paradigm shift, but there was also an epidemiological transition as well, away from infectious diseases as a result of this. The concepts of her theory centered on several propositions including access to clean water, second hand smoke essay, improved irrigation of draining ditches, particularly for sanitation, improved second hand smoke essay, improved personal hygiene and cleanliness and the importance of pure air.
Nightingale believed that these various environmental factors were critical to the importance of health. Science has now shown that she was correct in these. During her time, kerosene was a means for light, which is still used today. It is a contributor of indoor air pollution. In societies, such as America that does not use kerosene, second hand smoke essay, there is still a problem with lack of sunlight, which leads to disease. The limitations of the theory are few. At the time that Nightingale developed her theory, the assumptions, however, were many. She was beyond her time. Since then, science has clearly indicated that she was correct in many, if not all, of her assumptions. Furthermore, history has shown that the Sanitation Reform clearly did change the overall face of disease in America as a result of the improved sanitation and environmental decisions.
I believe the most important aspect of the theory is that humans must not continue to pollute their environment. One way that humans knowingly pollute their environment is with second-hand smoke, a second hand smoke essay cause of disease in individuals. Furthermore, much of this disease occurs in children. My capstone project will focus on how the environmental theory indicates that second-hand smoke is a leading cause of indoor air pollution. Children who live in homes with smokers are at a significant risk for developing asthma and severe asthma as a result of second hand smoke essay poor air quality in the home.
Thirty-three percent of adults were. This leads to a tremendous health burden worldwide because of the poor air quality that these individuals are repeatedly exposed to in their homes, schools or work environments Öberg, Jaakkola, Woodward, Peruga,et al, According to the Nightingale Environmental Theory, they could benefit from improved air quality. Why not get a unique paper done for you? Use code: CUSTOM Skip to content Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. Search for:. Order Now. Do My Essay Use code: CUSTOM20 Code copied! Use it at checkout.
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It's time for you to nail your grades! The health risks of second-hand smoke have been well documented. Individuals who are exposed to the effect of second-hand smoke are at risk of a number of adverse health outcomes, including lung cancer and asthma. Nightingale strongly believed that a healthy environment and proper air quality and air flow was necessary to the health of the individual. Nightingale stressed that the quality of the environment was crucial to maintaining the health of the individual. She believed that infections were related to the quality of the air and the water.
She advocated for ventilation for patients to ensure that fresh air went through their rooms. This was in opposition to the thought at the time when sick rooms were closed off and became stagnant. Need A Unique Essay on "Second-Hand Smoke"? At this time, garbage was piled high in the cities, sewage was not handled properly, hospitals and sick rooms were not well ventilated and clean water was not available to everyone. Nightingale proposed that these aspects be changed. There was a need for sanitation reform in the country and she helped to lead it Montiero, , p. As the sanitation reform occurred, not only did the paradigm shift, but there was also an epidemiological transition as well, away from infectious diseases as a result of this. The concepts of her theory centered on several propositions including access to clean water, improved irrigation of draining ditches, particularly for sanitation, improved lighting, improved personal hygiene and cleanliness and the importance of pure air.
Nightingale believed that these various environmental factors were critical to the importance of health. Science has now shown that she was correct in these. During her time, kerosene was a means for light, which is still used today. It is a contributor of indoor air pollution. In societies, such as America that does not use kerosene, there is still a problem with lack of sunlight, which leads to disease. The limitations of the theory are few. In the United States, each state has jurisdiction to enact smoking bans. Currently, 47 states have laws that restrict smoking in public places, which may include bars, restaurants, or workplaces. All 50 states prohibit smoking in government buildings, while 39 restrict smoking in private workplaces.
Similarly, other countries such as Australia and Canada regulate smoking state by state. Other regions, like the United Kingdom, have countrywide regulations. Internationally, more than two dozen countries presently ban smoking in public places. In addition to public smoking bans, taxation, media campaigns, increasing law enforcement for underage users, advertisement restrictions, youth education, and cessation services also may contribute to reducing secondhand smoke. Other programs, laws, and policies focus on prevention and helping current smokers to quit.
These regulations ban smoking in public places such as restaurants, bars, hospitals, schools, and public transportation. Proponents suggest that overall smoking rates decline from reduced opportunity and growing moral disfavor for smokers. Others argue that smoking rates do not change because tobacco users will simply find elsewhere to smoke. Research on secondhand smoke covers a variety of perspectives. Chemical and biological scientists evaluate the health effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the chemical composition of emitted fumes. Policy analysts decipher the level of public support of smoking bans, if businesses comply with legislation, and what additional policies aid overall effectiveness e.
Social scientists study patterns of smoking use by social identities e. However, so far little research evaluates the effect of legislation on particular social groups. Researchers find that smoking bans, taxation, and media campaigns have the greatest deterrent effect on smoking rates. They argue that states with smoking bans use cigarettes less per capita than states without similar legislation. Businesses that implement smoking bans report reductions in quantity and frequency of cigarettes smoked. Studies in countries outside the United States show similar usage patterns. Research also suggests that smoking bans affect youth smoking.
The effect of smoking bans varies by the strictness of legislation. Policies that do not ban smoking completely but include areas specifically designated for smokers affect smoking rates far less than total bans. Enforcement also influences policy success. Government involvement to enact legislation is more successful than private organization policies. Therefore, individual compliance is more likely under public laws compared to private rules. However, businesses do not always agree with government policy. Widespread legislation imposes policies that some private businesses often disfavor or zealously challenge. After the implementation of smoking bans, studies found mixed results regarding their success. While the industry and related businesses feared economic losses, economic repercussions varied by cultural climate, type of business, and location.
Areas that showed greater support for smoking bans generally did not result in declining patronage. Evaluations that reviewed compliance with the new legislation also found mixed results. Overall, claims from business owners did not support actual reactions to public smoking bans. Secondhand smoke remains highly contested among anti-smoking advocates, scientists, smokers, the tobacco industry, and business owners. This example Secondhand Smoke Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in.
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